About the league

Welcome to Bear City Roller Derby

Bear City Roller Derby (BCRD) is a Berlin-based Roller Derby league founded in May 2008 by eight women under the name Berlin Bombshells. Shortly afterwards it joined the traditional Kreuzberg sports club Sport-Club Lurich 02 e.V. as a separate department. In the past ten years one of the biggest roller derby leagues in Germany has developed from that handful of women. Currently 3 competitive teams, a talent pool, own Officials and a junior derby department belong to the league. BCRD is a member of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA), the international roller derby governing body, and is the only German league in the WFTDA Class A Division 1 – currently ranked 24th.

Our history

Historic Sporting Highlights

The Berlin Bombshells were founded in May 2008 by eight women and shortly thereafter became a department of the traditional Kreuzberg club S.C. Lurich 02 e. V.. Driven by the idea of establishing a new, fascinating sport for women in Berlin, the founders quickly succeeded in recruiting new players and, after just under a year of training, organized the first roller derby game in Germany.

Five years after the founding, the team was able to bring the German championship title to Berlin in June 2013. Since 2014, the focus has been on intercontinental competition in addition to German and European play. The handful of women has grown into one of the largest roller derby leagues in Germany with more than 80 members. In addition to three official travel teams (A, B and C teams) and a talent pool, the league includes referees and non-skating officials (NSOs). Since 2016, the league now officially bears the name Bear City Roller Derby.

Thanks to successful participation in various tournaments in Canada and the U.S. in recent years, Bear City Roller Derby is currently one of the top 10 teams in Europe. Some of the great successes include a three-time German Championship title, participation in a Division 2 (D2) playoff tournament twice, and a third place finish at the D2 Championships in the USA. After further successful games, we are the first German Roller Derby team to be ranked 24th in the international WFTDA ranking.

But not only the athletic performance is in the foreground at BCRD, but also the intention to further integrate Roller Derby into the Berlin sports culture. A first step in this direction has been taken with the founding of a Berlin Junior Roller Derby group.